
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Celebrating a Charism that Unites


On Wednesday, 22 December 2010, Brs Jeff Crowe, Julian Casey, David McDonald and Ken McDonald, Major Superiors of this part of our Marist world, signed an historic agreement on behalf of all the Brothers of the Oceania Region which pledges to petition the Superior General of the Marist Brothers to establish a new Marist Province in Oceania within three years.  During the morning liturgy, the delegates from the four geographical areas in turn confirmed their support for this petition.  With a celebratory meal we drew our Concurrent Provincial Chapters to a close.  It was a truly momentous occasion and a privilege to participate.The final Newsletter can be downloaded here.

God is missing but not missed

Electing Leaders