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Marist Way of Educating


People working in Marist schools often describe what seems to be a Marist way of educating. During the 1990s worldwide research was carried out to investigate what this way might be.  People working in Marist schools often describe what seems to be a Marist way of educating as involving the characteristic of simplicity. During the 1990s worldwide research was carried out to investigate what this way might be.

Theologians define simplicity as a 'characteristic of being indivisible, not made up of various parts' (O'Collins and Ferrugia, 2000, p.243) and as 'the absence of composition' (Maertens, 1964, p.319). Consequently God alone is absolutely simple.  Br Charles Howard sees simplicity as 'the way we live the truth of ourselves, giving us a personal transparency which allows others to know us and to relate to us as we are' (1992, p.492).

This gives simplicity a more religious rationale than being a normal 'secular' value. Marist school communities have traditionally helped us to live simplicity, enabling us to have any 'rough edges' rubbed off us and, as a result, being gently shaped to be the people God wants us to be.

John McMahon

Marist Life February 2014

Marist Life January 2014